Santorum talks foundation

by Haley Nisbet
Presidency and the Press

(Photo: Sheryl Delieto)

Presidential candidate Rick Santorum held a meet and greet at his New Hampshire campaign headquarters in Manchester, among the media were student reporters from Franklin Peirce’s the Presidency and the Press.

Prior to Santorum’s visit in Manchester, he had been campaigning in Iowa and South Carolina.  “After August the 13th, we’ll be taking residency up here again,” said Santorum.

Santorum, being aware of his poll status, made statements about his current status in the presidential campaign. “It’s like were building a house,” said Santorum. “We’re building a solid foundation.”

One layer of this foundation is getting his ideas out there to the public. Santorum is constantly meeting and greeting with potential supporters. “This is a people oriented campaign,” said Santorum.

When putting his name out there to the public, Santorum is confident in his views and wants the public to consider him as being a leader.  This explains his decisions on certain topics such as life issues. Choosing a side of pro-life, Santorum has made is known on his belief in this particular topic.

During his campaign, Santorum hopes to sway pro-choice voters onto his campaign by the same way he would on any other issue. “I’ve had the courage to go out on controversial issues, take a tough stand, and deliver,” said Santorum. “That’s the other big difference.”

Santorum is confident that his super structure of a foundation will be in affect as February primaries starts to creep around the corner.  “All the foundation work is going to result in a strong house that we’re going to build to try to take back the white house,” said Santorum. “Replacing the house, that is something we can all be proud of.”

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