Activists Directing Students on Campaigns

Political activist and field directors Derek Scalia and Jacob Avery visited future politicians and journalists at Franklin Pierce University. They talked with students in the Presidency and the Press program about working on campaigns and that you could receive a lot of experience if you work on one.
Avery said that it is better to work on an underdog candidate because those campaigns are looking for the volunteers and the staff. Also, you can get the right feel for campaigns than working on a front runners campaign. They said that in campaigns touching people, either going door to door, making phone calls or even holding up signs makes a successful campaign instead of relying on signs and ads.
According to both activists, working on a campaign means late hours and a full seven days a week job.  Scalia said that if he could have worked on a campaign from the past, who would it be and he answered FDR. Avery was asked the same question and said Jefferson because he is the grandfather in some respect to both party’s.

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