Timothy Wood takes leadership roles into community and overseas

by Emily Casey

Last yeas as a junior at Pinkerton Academy, Timothy Wood took on a number of  leadership positions both inside and out of school, including Haiti.

At his school, Wood serves as the Derry School Representative, Student Ambassador and National Honor Society Service Project Coordinator. He also has started several student groups, such as a Bible study, and musical groups  for students in his area.

As a leader in his community, Wood said he hopes to influence the people close to him in a positive way.

In 2012 Wood traveled to Haiti with his church and will be returning this coming year. While there, Wood took part in public work projects and interacted with the children in the area.  He often joined the kids in soccer games, a sport that he has played for several years, as a way to connect with them.

“It feels like they have more when, in reality, they have much less,” said Wood.IMG_9121

Witnessing the passion of the people in Haiti has impacted Wood’s outlook on how fortunate America is.

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