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Field Directors prepare future political participants

by Bea Brittan Presidency and the Press Watch video here. Political Field Directors Derek Sealia and Jacob Avery shared positive experiences, insight and advice, and “horror stories” from previous campaigns. Sealia mentioned that although he has not been involved in a winning campaign, he has still enjoyed his political career.  “I must have the reverse-Midas […]

Campaign staffers inspire students to pursue politics

Political campaigners Jacob Avery and Derek Scalia spoke with students about their experiences being involved in grassroots campaigning.

Tales of campaigning battle-scars

Tales of campaigning battle-scars

Derek Scalia shares some stories on the hard times on the campaign trail.

Avery and Scalia inspire young journalists

by Marguerite Dooley Presidency and the Press Campaign field directors Derek Scalia and Jacob Avery discuss their “love hate” relationship with the media today at Franklin Pierce University. The lecture, set up for students attending the university’s Presidency and the Press program, aimed to teach the young journalists about “working in the trenches” of their […]

Activists Directing Students on Campaigns

Political activist and field directors Derek Scalia and Jacob Avery visited future politicians and journalists at Franklin Pierce University. They talked with students in the Presidency and the Press program about working on campaigns and that you could receive a lot of experience if you work on one. Avery said that it is better to […]